The Closed
class extends Profunctor class to work with functions.
trait Closed[P[_, _]] extends Profunctor[P] {
def closed[A, B, C](pab: P[A, B]): P[C => A, C => B]
In order to understand the Closed
profunctor, we will specialize the P[_, _]
type constructor to the Function
type. Now the type signature
of the closed
method is:
def closed[A, B, C](pab: A => B): (C => A) => C => B
Consider the A
an input and the B
an output. We can think of the closed
method as if we get an argument that can map from A
to B
then we would return a function given a mapping from another input C
to the initial input A
, returns a function from C
to B
, meaning
the closed
method lets us pre compose the
A -> B
with another function. Another way to think about it is, if we consider the A -> B
as our
main business logic the closed
method lets us run some initialization logic before our main function.
Function as Closed profunctor
Let's implement an instance of Closed
for Function
import proptics.profunctor.Closed
// import proptics.profunctor.Closed
implicit def closedFunction: Closed[* => *] = new Closed[* => *] {
override def closed[A, B, C](pab: A => B): (C => A) => C => B = c2a => pab compose c2a
override def dimap[A, B, C, D](fab: A => B)(f: C => A)(g: B => D): C => D = g compose fab compose f
// closedFunction: proptics.profunctor.Closed[[α$0$, β$1$]α$0$ => β$1$]
val currentYear: Int = 2020
// currentYear: Int = 2020
def calculatePassedYears(year: Int): Int = currentYear - year
// calculatePassedYears: (year: Int)Int
Consider the calculatePassedYears
our main business logic. The method takes an Int
input, which represent a year, and returns how many years
have passed since the current one. Using the closed
we can add an initialization logic in order to extract an Int
from another type.
final case class Person(id: String, name: String, yearOfBirth: Int)
// defined class Person
val calculateAge: Person => Int =
closedFunction.closed[Int, Int, Person](calculatePassedYears)(_.yearOfBirth)
// calculateAge: Person => Int = scala.Function1$$Lambda$11142/0x00000008028678e8@49f4dc14
calculateAge(Person("123", "Samuel Eilenberg", 1913))
// res0: Int = 107
We extracted an Int
using (_.yearOfBirth)
which is our initialization function and then calculate the age
using our main logic calculatePassedYears
Consider a UserRegistration
class that represents a domain entity for a registration form, we can use closed
to add an initialization logic that converts the raw data into a domain user object using pre composition, but we can also
use post composition in order to return a type different from the return type of our main business logic
import java.util.UUID
// import java.util.UUID
final case class User(id: String, name: String, age: Int)
// defined class User
final case class UserRegistration(name: String, yearOfBirth: Int)
// defined class UserRegistration
def generateUniqueId: String = UUID.randomUUID.toString
// generateUniqueId: String
def registerUser(registration: UserRegistration): User = {
val user = User(generateUniqueId,, calculatePassedYears(registration.yearOfBirth))
// ... persist to db
// registerUser: (registration: UserRegistration)User
val submitForm: ((String, Int)) => User =
closedFunction.closed[UserRegistration, User, (String, Int)](registerUser)(UserRegistration.tupled)
// submitForm: ((String, Int)) => User = scala.Function1$$Lambda$11142/0x00000008028678e8@9590db8
submitForm(("Samuel Eilenberg", 1913))
res1: User = User(1b016d65-bbe8-419e-8cfa-7f26c82e01e3,Samuel Eilenberg,107)