is similar to a Traversal, but has different internal encodings, it is used
to focus on zero, one, or many values. ATraversal
is usually used for collections like List
, Map
, Array
ATraversal internal encoding
Polymorphic ATraversal
ATraversal_[S, T, A, B]
ATraversal_[S, T, A, B]
is a function P[A, B] => P[S, T]
where's the P[_, _]
is a data type of Bazaar, thus making
it a function Bazaar[* => *, A, B, A, B] => Bazaar[* => *, A, B, S, T]
* @tparam S the source of an ATraversal_
* @tparam T the modified source of an ATraversal_
* @tparam A the focus of an ATraversal_
* @tparam B the modified focus of an ATraversal_
abstract class ATraversal_[S, T, A, B] {
def apply(bazaar: Bazaar[Function, A, B, A, B]): Bazaar[Function, A, B, S, T]
ATraversal_[S, T, A, B]
changes its foci from A
to B
, resulting in a change of structure from S
to T
An ATraversal
that changes its foci/structure, is called Polymorphic ATraversal
Monomorphic ATraversal
ATraversal[S, A]
ATraversal[S, A]
is a type alias for ATraversal_[S, S, A, A]
, which has the same type of foci A
, thus preserving the same type of structure S
type ATraversal[S, A] = ATraversal_[S, S, A, A]
An ATraversal[S, A]
means that the type S
might contain zero or one value of type A
An ATraversal
that does not change its foci/structure, is called Monomorphic ATraversal
Constructing ATraversal
ATraversal_[S, T, A, B]
is constructed using the ATraversal_[S, T, A, B]#apply function.
For a given ATraversal_[S, T, A, B]
it takes two functions as arguments,
view: S => A
which is a getter function, that produces zero, one, or many elements of A
given an S
, and set: S => B => T
function which takes a structure S
and a new focus B
and returns
a structure of T
filled will all foci of that B
object ATraversal_ {
def apply[S, T, A, B](get: S => A)(set: S => B => T): ATraversal_[S, T, A, B]
ATraversal[S, A]
is constructed using the ATraversal[S, A]#apply function.
For a given ATraversal[S, A]
it takes two functions as arguments, view: S => A
which is a getter function, that produces zero, one, or many elements of A
given an S
, and set: S => A => S
function which takes a structure S
and a focus A
and returns a
new structure S
filled will all foci of that A
object ATraversal {
def apply[S, A](get: S => A)(set: S => A => S): ATraversal[S, A]
Most of the time we will be dealing with collections. This is the way to create a ATraversal[S, A]
for a collection:
import cats.syntax.option._
// import cats.syntax.option._ // (none, some) functions
import cats.syntax.eq._ // triple equals (===)
// import cats.syntax.eq._
import proptics.ATraversal
// import proptics.ATraversal
val list: List[Int] = List.range(1, 5)
// list: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
val optionByPredicate: Int => Option[Int] = i => if (i % 2 === 0) i.some else none[Int]
// optionByPredicate: Int => Option[Int] = $Lambda$12694/0x0000000802bfc3e0@5f962a8b
val listTraversal: ATraversal[List[Int], Int] = ATraversal.fromTraverse[List, Int]
// listTraversal: proptics.ATraversal[List[Int],Int] = proptics.ATraversal_$$anon$12@4e2da5c7
Common functions of a ATraversal
// res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
// res1: List[Int] = List(9, 9, 9, 9)
// res2: Option[Int] = Some(1)
// synonym for preview
// res3: Option[Int] = Some(1)
listTraversal.over(_ + 1)(list)
// res4: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4, 5)
import cats.instances.option._ // summons an Applicative[Option] instance
// import cats.instances.option._
// res5: Option[List[Int]] = None
// res6: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
import // summons a Semigroup[Int] instance
// import
import cats.instances.option._ // summons a Monoid[Option[Int]] instance
// import cats.instances.option._
// res7: Option[Int] = Some(6)
listTraversal.foldRight(list)(List.empty[Int])(_ :: _)
// res8: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
listTraversal.foldLeft(list)(List.empty[Int])((b, a) => a :: b)
// res9: List[Int] = List(4, 3, 2, 1)
listTraversal.forall(_ < 9)(list)
// res10: Boolean = true
listTraversal.exists(_ < 9)(list)
// res11: Boolean = true
// res12: Boolean = false
// res13: Boolean = false
listTraversal.find(_ === 9)(list)
// res14: Option[Int] = None
// res15: Option[Int] = Some(4)
// res16: Option[Int] = Some(1)
// res17: Option[Int] = Some(4)
We can take advantage of the syntax
package for ATraversal
If we create a polymorphic ATraversal_[F[G[A]], F[A], G[A], A]
such that the source would be a nested structure of F[G[A]]
and the initial foci G[A]
would have an Applicative[G]
instance, and the modified foci would be an A
, then we could
flip types F[_]
and G[_]
from F[G[A]]
to G[F[A]]
using the sequence
Consider F[_]
to be a List
, G[_]
to be an Option
and A
to be an Int
, the ATraversal
would be:
ATraversal_[List[Option[Int]], List[Int], Option[Int], Int]
import cats.syntax.eq._
// import cats.syntax.eq._
import cats.syntax.option._
// import cats.syntax.option._
import cats.instances.list._
// import cats.instances.list._
import proptics.ATraversal_
// import proptics.ATraversal_
import proptics.syntax.aTraversal._
// import proptics.syntax.aTraversal._
val list: List[Int] = List.range(1, 5)
// list: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
val optionByPredicate: Int => Option[Int] = i => if (i % 2 === 0) i.some else none[Int]
// optionByPredicate: Int => Option[Int] = $Lambda$34954/0x0000000802317840@5d5007af
val listOfOptions: List[Option[Int]] =
// listOfOptions: List[Option[Int]] = List(None, Some(2), None, Some(4))
val listOfSomeOptions: List[Option[Int]] =
// listOfSomeOptions: List[Option[Int]] = List(Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), Some(4))
val traversal: ATraversal_[List[Option[Int]], List[Int], Option[Int], Int] =
ATraversal_.fromTraverse[List, Option[Int], Int]
// traversal: ATraversal_[List[Option[Int]],List[Int],Option[Int],Int] = ATraversal_$$anon$12@65892367
// res0: Option[List[Int]] = None
// res1: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
Exporting Bazaar as data type of ATraversal
allows us to export its internal construction logic to a Bazaar
using the toBazaar
val traversal: ATraversal[(Int, String), String] =
ATraversal[(Int, String), String](_._2) { case (i, _) => s => (i, s) }
// traversal: proptics.ATraversal[(Int, String),String] = proptics.ATraversal_$$anon$22@7218cbb6
val bazaar = traversal.toBazaar
// bazaar: internal.Bazaar[[α$11$, β$12$]α$11$ => β$12$,String,String,(Int, String),(Int, String)] =
// proptics.ATraversal_$$anon$22$$anon$23@5f364bc2
We can later on create a new instance of an ATraversal
or a Traversal
from the bazaar instance
import proptics.ATraversal
// import proptics.ATraversal_
import proptics.Traversal
// import proptics.Traversal
val aTraversalFromBazaar: ATraversal[(Int, String), String] = ATraversal.fromBazaar(bazaar)
// aTraversalFromBazaar: proptics.ATraversal[(Int, String),String] =
// proptics.ATraversal_$$anon$19@43bf1ac9
val traversalFromBazaar: Traversal[(Int, String), String] = Traversal.fromBazaar(bazaar)
// traversalFromBazaar: proptics.Traversal[(Int, String),String] =
// proptics.Traversal_$$anon$12@7494feef
A Traversal
must satisfy all ATraversalLaws. These laws reside in the <a href="../../api/proptics/law/> package.
import cats.instances.list._
// import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.eq._
// import cats.syntax.eq._
import cats.{Applicative, Eq}
// import cats.{Applicative, Eq}
import proptics.ATraversal
// import proptics.ATraversal
Traversing with "empty" handler shouldn't change anything
def respectPurity[F[_]: Applicative, S, A](traversal: ATraversal[S, A], s: S)
(implicit ev: Eq[F[S]]): Boolean =
traversal.traverse[F](s)(Applicative[F].pure _) === Applicative[F].pure(s)
val listTraversal = ATraversal.fromTraverse[List, Int]
// listTraversal: proptics.ATraversal[List[Int],Int] = proptics.ATraversal_$$anon$12@4fb75a8c
respectPurity(listTraversal, List.range(1, 5))
// res0: Boolean = true
Running twice with different handlers is equivalent to running it once with the composition of those handlers
def consistentFoci[S: Eq, A](traversal: ATraversal[S, A], s: S, f: A => A, g: A => A): Boolean =
(traversal.over(f) compose traversal.over(g))(s) === traversal.over(f compose g)(s)
consistentFoci[List[Int], Int](listTraversal, List.range(1, 5), _ + 1, _ * 2)
// res1: Boolean = true