Indexed[P, I, S, T]
is a data type shaped like a Profunctor, that has P[(I, S), T]
, which is similar to a P[S, T]
of an Optic
, but
has also a notion of an index.
case class Indexed[P[_, _], I, S, T](runIndex: P[(I, S), T])
Understanding the types of an Indexed
This is a general definition of an IndexedOptic
, which uses the Indexed
type for its internal encoding.
trait IndexedOptic_[I, S, T, A, B] {
def apply[P[_, _]](indexed: Indexed[P, I, A, B])(implicit ev: Profunctor[P]): P[S, T]
An IndexedOptic_
is a function Indexed[P, I, A, B] => P[S, T]
and the P[_, _]
is of some kind of Profunctor.
The underlying function of IndexedOptic_
P[(I, A), B] => P[S, T]
If we replace the P[_, _]
with the Function
type we would get
((I, A) => B) => S => T
That is, given a structure S
and a function (I, A) => B
, which can extract a new focus of type B
out of a tuple (I, A)
, of a focus and
its index/location, we would get a new structure T
IndexedOptics that takes a Profunctor
IndexedLens and IndexedTraversal each takes some kind of Profunctor
IndexedLens takes a Strong[P[_, _]]
profunctor therefore an instance of Strong) of Indexed
has to be introduced
import cats.arrow.Strong
import proptics.internal.Indexed
implicit def strongIndexed[P[_, _], I](implicit ev: Strong[P]):
Strong[({ type F[A, B] = Indexed[P, I, A, B] })#F] =
new Strong[({ type F[A, B] = Indexed[P, I, A, B] })#F] {
override def first[A, B, C](fa: Indexed[P, I, A, B]): Indexed[P, I, (A, C), (B, C)] = {
val first: P[((I, A), C), (B, C)] = ev.first(fa.runIndex)
Indexed(ev.lmap[((I, A), C), (B, C), (I, (A, C))](first) { case (i, (a, c)) => ((i, a), c) })
override def second[A, B, C](fa: Indexed[P, I, A, B]): Indexed[P, I, (C, A), (C, B)] = {
val second: P[(C, (I, A)), (C, B)] = ev.second(fa.runIndex)
Indexed(ev.lmap[(C, (I, A)), (C, B), (I, (C, A))](second) { case (c, (i, a)) => (i, (c, a)) })
override def dimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Indexed[P, I, A, B])
(f: C => A)
(g: B => D): Indexed[P, I, C, D] =
Indexed(ev.dimap[(I, A), B, (I, C), D](fab.runIndex) { case (i, c) => (i, f(c)) }(g))
IndexedTraversal takes a Wander[P[_, _]] therefore an instance of Wander of Indexed
has to be introduced
import cats.syntax.either._
import cats.Applicative
import proptics.profunctor.{Traversing, Wander}
import proptics.internal.Indexed
implicit def wanderIndexed[P[_, _], I](implicit ev: Wander[P]):
Wander[({ type F[A, B] = Indexed[P, I, A, B] })#F] =
new Wander[({ type F[A, B] = Indexed[P, I, A, B] })#F] {
override def wander[S, T, A, B](traversing: Traversing[S, T, A, B])
(indexed: Indexed[P, I, A, B]): Indexed[P, I, S, T] = {
val traversal = new Traversing[(I, S), T, (I, A), B] {
override def apply[F[_]](f: ((I, A)) => F[B])(s: (I, S))(implicit ev: Applicative[F]): F[T] =
traversing(a => f((s._1, a)))(s._2)
override def first[A, B, C](fa: Indexed[P, I, A, B]): Indexed[P, I, (A, C), (B, C)] = {
val first: P[((I, A), C), (B, C)] = ev.first(fa.runIndex)
Indexed(ev.lmap[((I, A), C), (B, C), (I, (A, C))](first) { case (i, (a, c)) => ((i, a), c) })
override def second[A, B, C](fa: Indexed[P, I, A, B]): Indexed[P, I, (C, A), (C, B)] = {
val second: P[(C, (I, A)), (C, B)] = ev.second(fa.runIndex)
Indexed(ev.lmap[(C, (I, A)), (C, B), (I, (C, A))](second) { case (c, (i, a)) => (i, (c, a)) })
override def left[A, B, C](pab: Indexed[P, I, A, B]): Indexed[P, I, Either[A, C], Either[B, C]] = {
val left: P[Either[(I, A), C], Either[B, C]] = ev.left(pab.runIndex)
Indexed(ev.lmap(left) { case (i, ac) =>
ac.fold(a => (i, a).asLeft[C], _.asRight[(I, A)])
override def right[A, B, C](pab: Indexed[P, I, A, B]): Indexed[P, I, Either[C, A], Either[C, B]] = {
val right: P[Either[C, (I, A)], Either[C, B]] = ev.right(pab.runIndex)
Indexed(ev.lmap(right) { case (i, ca) =>
ca.fold(_.asLeft[(I, A)], a => (i, a).asRight[C])
override def dimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Indexed[P, I, A, B])
(f: C => A)
(g: B => D): Indexed[P, I, C, D] =
Indexed(ev.dimap[(I, A), B, (I, C), D](fab.runIndex) { case (i, c) => (i, f(c)) }(g))