Stall[A, B, S, T]
is a data type shaped like a Profunctor, which characterizes the construction of an AffineTraversal and AnAffineTraversal.
AffineTraversal_[S, T, A, B]
and AnAffineTraversal_[S, T, A, B]
both take two functions as arguments, viewOrModify: S => Either[T, A]
, which is a matching function that produces an Either[T, A]
given an S
and set: S => B => T
function which takes a structure S
and a new focus B
and returns a structure of T
Stall[A, B, S, T]
also takes these two function, thus making it a data type that embeds the way to construct an AffineTraversal or AnAffineTraversal.
case class Stall[A, B, S, T](viewOrModify: S => Either[T, A], set: S => B => T)
While AffineTraversal and AnAffineTraversal construction is the same, their internal encodings is different.
object AffineTraversal_ {
def apply[S, T, A, B](viewOrModify: S => Either[T, A])(set: S => B => T): AffineTraversal_[S, T, A, B]
AffineTraversal_[S, T, A, B]
is a function P[A, B] => P[S, T]
that takes a Choice, and
Strong of P[_, _].
abstract class AffineTraversal_[S, T, A, B] {
def apply[P[_, _]](pab: P[A, B])(implicit ev0: Choice[P], ev1: Strong[P]): P[S, T]
object AnAffineTraversal_ {
def apply[S, T, A, B](viewOrModify: S => Either[T, A])(set: S => B => T): AnAffineTraversal_[S, T, A, B]
AnAffineTraversal_[S, T, A, B]
is a function P[A, B] => P[S, T]
where's the P[_, _]
is a data type of Stall
abstract class AnAffineTraversal_[S, T, A, B] {
def apply(pab: Stall[A, B, A, B]): Stall[A, B, S, T]
In order for AnAffineTraversal_[S, T, A, B]
to be compatible with AffineTraversal_[S, T, A, B]
, an instance of Strong of Stall
and an instance of Choice of Stall
Strong and Choice both are type constructors that takes 2 type parameters. Stall[A, B, S, T]
is a type that has 4 type parameters, so we need
to fix two of the type parameters of Stall
in order to create an instance of Strong of Stall
and Choice of Stall
implicit def strongStall[E, F]: Strong[({ type P[S, T] = Stall[E, F, S, T] })#P] =
new Strong[({ type P[S, T] = Stall[E, F, S, T] })#P] {
override def first[A, B, C](fa: Stall[E, F, A, B]): Stall[E, F, (A, C), (B, C)] =
{ case (a, c) => fa.viewOrModify(a).leftMap((_, c)) },
{ case (a, c) =>
f => (fa.set(a)(f), c)
override def second[A, B, C](fa: Stall[E, F, A, B]): Stall[E, F, (C, A), (C, B)] =
{ case (c, a) => fa.viewOrModify(a).leftMap((c, _)) },
{ case (c, a) =>
f => (c, fa.set(a)(f))
override def dimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Stall[E, F, A, B])
(f: C => A)
(g: B => D): Stall[E, F, C, D] =
Stall(c => fab.viewOrModify(f(c)).leftMap(g), c => ff => g(fab.set(f(c))(ff)))
implicit def choiceStall[E, F]: Choice[({ type P[S, T] = Stall[E, F, S, T] })#P] =
new Choice[({ type P[S, T] = Stall[E, F, S, T] })#P] {
override def left[A, B, C](pab: Stall[E, F, A, B]): Stall[E, F, Either[A, C], Either[B, C]] =
case Left(a) => pab.viewOrModify(a).fold(_.asLeft[C].asLeft[E], _.asRight[Either[B, C]])
case Right(c) => c.asRight[B].asLeft[E]
either => f => either.leftMap(pab.set(_)(f))
override def right[A, B, C](pab: Stall[E, F, A, B]): Stall[E, F, Either[C, A], Either[C, B]] =
case Left(c) => c.asLeft[B].asLeft[E]
case Right(a) => pab.viewOrModify(a).fold(_.asRight[C].asLeft[E], _.asRight[Either[C, B]])
either => f =>
override def dimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Stall[E, F, A, B])
(f: C => A)
(g: B => D): Stall[E, F, C, D] =
Stall(c => fab.viewOrModify(f(c)).leftMap(g), c => ff => g(fab.set(f(c))(ff)))
AnAffineTraversal allows us to export its internal construction logic to a Stall
using the toStall
import proptics.AnAffineTraversal
// import proptics.AnAffineTraversal
sealed trait Json
// defined trait Json
case object JNull extends Json
// defined object JNull
case class JNumber(value: Double) extends Json
// defined class JNumber
val jsonAffineTraversal =
AnAffineTraversal.fromPartial[Json, Double] { case JNumber(i) => i } { json => i =>
json match {
case JNumber(_) => JNumber(i)
case _ => json
// jsonAffineTraversal: AnAffineTraversal[Json,Double] = AnAffineTraversal_$$anon$6@27ce826e
val stall = jsonAffineTraversal.toStall
// stall: proptics.internal.Stall[Double,Double,Json,Json] =
// Stall(proptics.AnAffineTraversal_$$$Lambda$6037/0x0000000801cb3040@1adf1c6a,
// proptics.AnAffineTraversal_$$$Lambda$6038/0x0000000801cb3840@1a9cda87)
// res0: Either[Json,Double] = Right(9.0)
// res1: Json = JNumber(9.0)
We can later on create a new instance of an AnAffineTraversal or an AffineTraversal from the stall instance
import proptics.AffineTraversal
// import proptics.AffineTraversal
import proptics.AnAffineTraversal
// import proptics.AnAffineTraversal
val anAffineTraversalFromStall: AnAffineTraversal[Json, Double] =
AnAffineTraversal[Json, Double](stall.viewOrModify)(stall.set)
// anAffineTraversalFromStall: proptics.AnAffineTraversal[Json,Double] =
// proptics.AnAffineTraversal_$$anon$6@77d28f9
val affineTraversalFromStall: AffineTraversal[Json, Double] =
AffineTraversal[Json, Double](stall.viewOrModify)(stall.set)
// affineTraversalFromStall: proptics.AffineTraversal[Json,Double] =
// proptics.AffineTraversal_$$anon$10@7995e246