A Grate
is an optic which allows zipWith
Constructing a monomorphic Grate
Grate[S, A]
is constructed using the Grate[S, A]#apply function.
Grate[S, A]
takes a grate
function, ((S => A) => A) => S
, which is a function that given a function from (S => A) => A)
will return an S
, that is
if we can extract an A
out of an S
we will get an A
and we will have to use this A
in order to construct a new S
object Grate {
def apply[S, A](to: ((S => A) => A) => S): Grate[S, A]
A simple example would be the accumulation of two tuples of ints (Int, Int)
import proptics.{Grate, Grate_}
val grateTuples = Grate[(Int, Int), Int](f => (f(_._1), f(_._2)))
grateTuples.zipWith((2, 5), (3, 4))(_ + _)
// val res0: (Int, Int) = (5,9)
In this example the Grate
optic takes a function f
in the form of
(((Int, Int)) => Int) => Int)
and its return type is Int
, which means that we need to supply a function (Int, Int) => Int
in order to get an Int
which we will be used to construct a new (Int, Int)
, so we apply our function twice for each side of the tuple.
f => (f(_._1), f(_._2))
Constructing a polymorphic Grate
Grate_[S, T, A, B]
is constructed using the Grate_[S, T, A, B]#apply function.
Grate_[S, T, A, B]
takes a grate
function, ((S => A) => B) => T
, which is a function that given a function from (S => A) => B)
will return a T
, that is
if we can extract an A
out of an S
we will get a B
and we will have to use this B
in order to construct a T
object Grate_ {
def apply[S, T, A, B](to: ((S => A) => B) => T): Grate_[S, T, A, B]
We will try to gain some intuition using an example. Let's assume that we developed a successful recommendation service for TV series and in order to interact with our system, one must create an HTTP Request to use our recommendation service.
import cats.syntax.option._
case class Request(id: Option[String], queryString: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)
sealed trait Response
case class Ok[A](value: A) extends Response
case object NoContent extends Response
val seriesMap: Map[String, List[String]] = Map[String, List[String]](
"tt0903747" -> List("True Detective", "Fargo", "Dexter"),
"tt2356777" -> List("Breaking Bad", "Fargo", "Dexter"),
"tt2802850" -> List("Breaking Bad", "True Detective", "Dexter"),
"tt0773262" -> List("Breaking Bad", "True Detective", "Fargo")
def recommendation(seriesId: Option[String]): Option[List[String]] =
seriesId.flatMap(seriesMap.get(_) orElse List.empty[String].some)
def recommendationRoute(request: Request): Response =
recommendation( Response) {
case list @ _ :: _ => Ok(list)
case _ => NoContent
// val res0: Response = Ok(List(Breaking Bad, Fargo, Dexter))
// val res1: Response = NoContent
At some point of time a new requirement to secure the system has been requested. We can use Grate
in order to add
additional logic prior to querying our recommendation service. Grate
takes a Closed Profunctor
trait Closed[P[_, _]] extends Profunctor[P] {
def closed[A, B, C](pab: P[A, B]): P[C => A, C => B]
The Closed
profunctor defines a closed
method. We will specialize the P[_, _]
type constructor to the Function
type. Now the type signatures
of closed
methods is:
def closed[A, B, C](pab: A => B): (C => A) => C => B
Consider the A
an input and the B
an output, the closed
method lets us close/lock a computation
from A -> B
a lock of C
. once we release the lock we can use our computation to acquire a B
. The lock can be a function that authenticates the user, and once
the user is authenticated, we could release the lock and use the recommendation service. In order to lock the recommendation service, we need
to create a polymorphic Grate
such that it can convert a Request
to a Response
S ~ Request // initial structure
T ~ Response // modified structure
A ~ Option[String] // initial focus
B ~ Option[List[String]] // modified focus
The grate
function would become
((Request => Option[String]) => Option[List[String]]) => Response
case object Forbidden extends Response
def extractSeriesId(req: Request): Option[String] =
req.queryString.get("password").flatMap {
case "123456" => orElse "".some
case _ => None
def mkRequest(f: (Request => Option[String]) => Option[List[String]]): Response =
f(extractSeriesId) match {
case Some(ls @ _ :: _) => Ok(ls)
case Some(_) => NoContent
case _ => Forbidden
val grate: Grate_[Request, Response, Option[String], Option[List[String]]] = Grate_(mkRequest)
def recommendationRoute(request: Request): Response =
// val res2: Response = Forbidden
recommendationRoute(Request("tt2356777".some, queryString = Map("password" -> "123456")))
// val res3: Response = Ok(List(Breaking Bad, Fargo, Dexter))
recommendationRoute(Request("tt23567771".some, queryString = Map("password" -> "123456")))
// val res4: Response = NoContent
recommendationRoute(Request(None, queryString = Map("password" -> "123456")))
// val res5: Response = NoContent
We created an extractSeriesId
method which unlocks the service by sending Some
to the recommendation service
when the user is authenticated, or None
otherwise. We created another Response
type Forbidden
, in order to respond when
the authentication process fails, moreover we created a Grate
optic which uses the mkRequest
as its grate
The client now uses our Grate
instance instead of calling the recommendation service directly.
/** view the modified source of a Grate */
def review(a: A): S
// val res0: (Int, Int) = (9,9)
/** set the modified focus of a Grate */
def set(b: A): S => S
grateTuples.set(9)((5, 3))
// val res1: (Int, Int) = (9,9)
/** modify the focus type of a Grate */
def over(f: A => A): S => S
grateTuples.over(_ + 1)((5, 2))
// val res2: (Int, Int) = (6,3)
/** zip two sources of a Grate together provided a binary operation which modify the focus of a Grate */
def zipWith(s1: S, s2: S)(f: (A, A) => A): S
grateTuples.zipWith((2, 5), (3, 4))(_ + _)
// val res3: (Int, Int) = (5,9)
/** modify an effectful focus of a Grate to the type of the modified focus */
def cotraverse[F[_]: Applicative](fs: F[S])(f: F[A] => A): S
grateTuples.cotraverse[Option]((5, 2).some)(_.fold(0)(_ + 1))
// val res4: (Int, Int) = (5,9)
/** synonym for cotraverse, flipped */
def zipWithF[F[_]: Applicative](f: F[A] => A)(fs: F[S]): S
grateTuples.zipWithF[Option](_.fold(0)(_ + 1))((5, 2).some)
// val res5: (Int, Int) = (5,9)
Grate internal encoding
Polymorphic Grate
Grate_[S, T, A, B]
Grate_[S, T, A, B]
is a function P[A, B] => P[S, T]
that takes a Closed of P[_, _].
* @tparam S the source of a Grate_
* @tparam T the modified source of a Grate_
* @tparam A the focus of a Grate_
* @tparam B the modified focus of a Grate_
abstract class Grate_[S, T, A, B] {
def apply[P[_, _]](pab: P[A, B])(implicit ev: Closed[P]): P[S, T]
Grate_[S, T, A, B]
changes its focus from A
to B
, resulting in a change of structure from S
to T
A Grate
that changes its focus/structure, is called Polymorphic Grate
Monomorphic Grate
Grate[S, A]
Grate[S, A]
is a type alias for Grate_[S, S, A, A]
, which has the same type of focus A
, thus preserving the same type of structure S
type Grate[S, A] = Grate_[S, S, A, A]
A Grate
that does not change its focus/structure, is called Monomorphic Grate
A Grate
must satisfy all GrateLaws. These laws reside in the package.
import cats.Eq
import cats.syntax.eq._
import proptics.Grate
import proptics.profunctor.Closed.closedFunction
def identityLaw[S, A: Eq](a: A): Boolean =[A](identity[A] _)(closedFunction)(a) === a
// val res0: Boolean = true
def composeOver[S: Eq, A](grate: Grate[S, A])(s: S)(f: A => A)(g: A => A): Boolean =
grate.over(g)(grate.over(f)(s)) === grate.over(g compose f)(s)
composeOver([Int])(8)(_ + 1)(identity)
// val res1: Boolean = true