An AnIndexedLens
is similar to an IndexedLens but has different internal encodings, it is used to focus on a particular element, and its
location, in a deeply nested data structure, while letting you view, set or modify the focus when you know it exists, that is an AnIndexedLens
must never fail to get or modify the focus.
An intuition for AnIndexedLens
is a getter and setter like you might have on an object, but tupled with its location/index.
AnIndexedLens internal encoding
Polymorphic AnIndexedLens
AnIndexedLens_[I, S, T, A, B]
AnIndexedLens_[I, S, T, A, B]
is a function Indexed[P, I, A, B] => P[S, T]
where's the P[_, _]
is a data type of Shop, thus making
it a function Indexed[Shop[(A, I), B, *, *], I, A, B] => Shop[(A, I), B, S, T]
* @tparam I the index of an AnIndexedLens_
* @tparam S the source of an AnIndexedLens_
* @tparam T the modified source of an AnIndexedLens_
* @tparam A the focus of an AnIndexedLens_
* @tparam B the modified focus of an AnIndexedLens_
abstract class AnIndexedLens_[I, S, T, A, B] {
def apply(indexed: Indexed[Shop[(A, I), B, *, *], I, A, B]): Shop[(A, I), B, S, T]
AnIndexedLens_[I, S, T, A, B]
changes its focus from A
to B
, resulting in a change of structure from S
to T
An AnIndexedLens
that changes its focus/structure, is called Polymorphic AnIndexedLens
Monomorphic AnIndexedLens
AnIndexedLens[I, S, A]
AnIndexedLens[I, S, A]
is a type alias for AnIndexedLens_[I, S, S, A, A]
, which has the same type of focus A
, thus preserving the same type of structure S
type AnIndexedLens[I, S, A] = AnIndexedLens_[I, S, S, A, A]
AnIndexedLens[I, S, A]
means that S
is the structure or whole and A
is the focus, or the part, and the I
is the index or the location of the focus.
An AnIndexedLens
that does not change its focus/structure, is called Monomorphic AnIndexedLens
Constructing AnIndexedLens
AnIndexedLens_[S, T, A, B]
is constructed using the AnIndexedLens_[I, S, T, A, B]#apply function.
For a given AnIndexedLens_[I, S, T, A, B]
it takes two functions as arguments, view: S => (A, I)
which is a getter function, that produces an A
tupled with its index I
given an S
and set: S => B => T
function which takes a structure S
and a new focus B
and returns a structure of T
object AnIndexedLens_ {
def apply[I, S, T, A, B](get: S => (A, I))(set: S => B => T): AnIndexedLens_[I, S, T, A, B]
AnIndexedLens[I, S, A]
is constructed using the AnIndexedLens[I, S, A]#apply function.
For a given AnIndexedLens[I, S, A]
it takes two functions as arguments,view: S => (A, I)
which is a getter function, that produces an A
tupled with its index I
given an S
and set: S => A => S
function which takes a structure S
and a focus A
and returns a new structure S
object AnIndexedLens {
def apply[I, S, A](get: S => (A, I))(set: S => A => S): AnIndexedLens[I, S, A]
Consider the case of focusing on the head of an NonEmptyList
import proptics.AnIndexedLens
// import proptics.AnIndexedLens
// import
val nel = NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(List(1, 2, 3))
// nel:[Int] = NonEmptyList(1, 2, 3)
val headAnIndexedLens: AnIndexedLens[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int] =
AnIndexedLens[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int](nel => (nel.head, 0)) { nel => i =>
NonEmptyList(i, nel.tail)
// headAnIndexedLens: proptics.AnIndexedLens[Int,[Int],Int] =
// proptics.AnIndexedLens_$$anon$9@635202f0
Common functions of an AnIndexedLens
// res0: (Int, Int) = (1,0)
// res1:[Int] = NonEmptyList(9, 2, 3)
headAnIndexedLens.over(_._1 + 8)(nel)
// res3:[Int] = NonEmptyList(9, 2, 3)
import cats.syntax.option._
// import cats.syntax.option._
val partialTraverse = headAnIndexedLens.traverse(_: NonEmptyList[Int]) {
case (1, 0) => Some(9)
case _ => none[Int]
// partialTraverse:[Int] =>
// Option[[Int]] = $Lambda$6277/0x0000000801ceb040@57f796e5
// res3: Option[[Int]] = Some(NonEmptyList(9, 2, 3))
partialTraverse(NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(List(4, 5, 6)))
// res4: Option[[Int]] = None
import cats.syntax.eq._
// import cats.syntax.eq._
headAnIndexedLens.exists(_._2 === 0)(nel)
// res5: Boolean = true
headAnIndexedLens.contains((1, 1))(nel)
// res6: Boolean = false
import cats.syntax.eq._
// import cats.syntax.eq._
headAnIndexedLens.find(_._2 === 0)(nel)
// res7: Option[(Int, Int)] = Some((1,0))
Exporting Shop as data type of AnIndexedLens
allows us to export its internal construction logic to a Shop
using the toShop
import proptics.AnIndexedLens
// import proptics.AnIndexedLens
// import
val nelIndexedLens: AnIndexedLens[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int] =
AnIndexedLens[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int](ls => (ls.head, 0))(nel => i => nel.copy(head = i))
// nelIndexedLens: proptics.AnIndexedLens[Int,[Int],Int] =
// proptics.AnIndexedLens_$$anon$23@6b60ef61
val nel = NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(List(1, 2, 3))
// nel:[Int] = NonEmptyList(1, 2, 3)
val shop = tupleLens.toShop
// shop: proptics.internal.Shop[(Int, Int),
// Int,[Int],[Int]] =
// Shop(scala.Function1$$Lambda$6356/0x0000000801d11840@1b6fac0f,
// proptics.internal.ShopInstances$$anon$1$$Lambda$6357/0x0000000801d11040@3244246f)
// res0: (Int, Int) = (1,0)
We can later on create a new instance of AnIndexedLens
or IndexedLens
from the shop instance
import proptics.IndexedLens
// import proptics.IndexedLens
import proptics.AnIndexedLens
// import proptics.AnIndexedLens
val indexedLensFromShop: IndexedLens[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int] =
IndexedLens[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int](shop.view)(shop.set)
// idexedLensFromShop: proptics.IndexedLens[Int,[Int],Int] =
// proptics.IndexedLens_$$anon$23@247c18f9
val anIndexedLensFromShop: AnIndexedLens[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int] =
AnIndexedLens[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int](shop.view)(shop.set)
// anIndexedLensFromShop: proptics.AnIndexedLens[Int,[Int],Int] =
// proptics.AnIndexedLens_$$anon$23@33321a90
A AnIndexedLens
must satisfy all AnIndexedLensLaws. These laws reside in the <a href="../../api/proptics/law/> package.
import cats.Eq
// import cats.Eq
// import
import proptics.AnIndexedLens
// import proptics.AnIndexedLens
import cats.syntax.eq._
// import cats.syntax.eq._
You get back what you set
def setGet[I, S: Eq, A](AnIndexedLens: AnIndexedLens[I, S, A], s: S): Boolean =
AnIndexedLens.set(AnIndexedLens.view(s)._1)(s) === s
setGet[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int](headAnIndexedLens, nel)
// res0: Boolean = true
Setting back what you got doesn't change anything
def getSet[I, S, A: Eq](AnIndexedLens: AnIndexedLens[I, S, A], s: S, a: A): Boolean =
AnIndexedLens.view(AnIndexedLens.set(a)(s))._1 === a
getSet[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int](headAnIndexedLens, nel, 9)
// res1: Boolean = true
Setting twice is the same as setting once
def setSet[I, S: Eq, A](AnIndexedLens: AnIndexedLens[I, S, A], s: S, a: A): Boolean =
AnIndexedLens.set(a)(AnIndexedLens.set(a)(s)) === AnIndexedLens.set(a)(s)
setSet[Int, NonEmptyList[Int], Int](headAnIndexedLens, nel, 9)
// res2: Boolean = true