Market[A, B, S, T]
is a data type shaped like a Profunctor, which characterizes the construction of a Prism and APrism.
Prism_[S, T, A, B]
and APrism_[S, T, A, B]
both take two functions as arguments,
viewOrModify: S => Either[T, A]
, which is a matching function that produces an Either[T, A]
given an S
, and review: B => T
function which takes a focus of B
and returns a structure of T
Market[A, B, S, T]
also takes these two function, thus making it a data type that embeds the way to construct a Prism or APrism.
case class Market[A, B, S, T](viewOrModify: S => Either[T, A], review: B => T)
While Prism and APrism construction is the same, their internal encodings is different.
object Prism_ {
def apply[S, T, A, B](viewOrModify: S => Either[T, A])(review: B => T): Prism_[S, T, A, B]
Prism_[S, T, A, B]
is a function P[A, B] => P[S, T]
that takes a Choice of P[_, _].
abstract class Prism_[S, T, A, B] {
def apply[P[_, _]](pab: P[A, B])(implicit ev: Choice[P]): P[S, T]
object APrism_ {
def apply[S, T, A, B](viewOrModify: S => Either[T, A])(review: B => T): APrism_[S, T, A, B]
APrism_[S, T, A, B]
is a function P[A, B] => P[S, T]
where's the P[_, _]
is a data type of Market
abstract class APrism_[S, T, A, B] {
def apply(market: Market[A, B, A, B]): Market[A, B, S, T]
In order for APrism_[S, T, A, B]
to be compatible with Prism_[S, T, A, B]
, an instance of Choice of Market
has been
Choice[_, _] is a type constructor that takes 2 type parameters. Market[A, B, S, T]
is a type that has 4 type parameters, so we need
to fix two of the type parameters of Market
in order to create an instance of Choice of Market
implicit def choiceMarket[E, F]: Choice[({ type P[S, T] = Market[E, F, S, T] })#P] =
new Choice[({ type P[S, T] = Market[E, F, S, T] })#P] {
override def left[A, B, C](pab: Market[E, F, A, B]): Market[E, F, Either[A, C], Either[B, C]] =
override def right[A, B, C](pab: Market[E, F, A, B]): Market[E, F, Either[C, A], Either[C, B]] =
pab.viewOrModify(_).fold(_.asRight[C].asLeft[E], _.asRight[Either[C, B]])),[C])
override def dimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Market[E, F, A, B])
(f: C => A)
(g: B => D): Market[E, F, C, D] =
Market(c => fab.viewOrModify(f(c)).leftMap(g), g compose
APrism allows us to export its internal construction logic to a Market
using the toMarket
import proptics.APrism
// import proptics.APrism
sealed trait Json
// defined trait Json
case object JNull extends Json
// defined object JNull
case class JString(value: String) extends Json
// defined class JString
val jsonPrism = APrism.fromPartial[Json, Int] { case JNumber(i) => i }(JNumber)
// jsonPrism: proptics.APrism[Json,Int] = proptics.APrism_$$anon$14@46d23947
val market = jsonPrism.toMarket
// market: proptics.internal.Market[Int,Int,Json,Json] =
// Market(proptics.APrism$$$Lambda$10055/0x0000000801e21040@42cd49b6,JNumber)
// res0: Either[Json,Int] = Right(9)
// res1: Json = JNumber(9)
We can later on create a new instance of an APrism
or a Prism
from the Market instance
import proptics.Prsim
// import proptics.Prsim
import proptics.APrsim
// import proptics.APrsim
val aPrismFromMarket: APrism[Json, Int] = APrism[Json, Int](market.viewOrModify)(
// aPrismFromMarket: proptics.APrism[Json,Int] = proptics.APrism_$$anon$14@4d448e44
val prismFormMarket: Prism[Json, Int] = Prism[Json, Int](market.viewOrModify)(
// prismFormMarket: proptics.Prism[Json,Int] = proptics.Prism_$$anon$13@31871fea