trait AllInstances extends SellableInstances with PartsOf with AtInstances with AllStdOptics with ConsInstances with EachInstances with EmptyInstances with IndexInstances with Field1Instances with Field2Instances with Field3Instances with Field4Instances with Field5Instances with FieldsInstances with ReverseInstances with PrefixedInstances with SuffixedInstances with NonEmptyConsInstances with FunctorWithIndexInstances with FoldableWithIndexInstances with TraverseWithIndexInstances
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- AllInstances
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- ScalaVersionSpecificTraverseWithIndexInstances
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- ScalaVersionSpecificFoldableWithIndexInstances
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- ScalaVersionSpecificFunctorWithIndexInstances
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- SuffixedInstances
- ScalaVersionSpecificSuffixedInstances
- PrefixedInstances
- ScalaVersionSpecificPrefixedInstances
- ReverseInstances
- ScalaVersionSpecificReverseInstances
- FieldsInstances
- Field5Instances
- Field4Instances
- Field3Instances
- Field2Instances
- Field1Instances
- IndexInstances
- ScalaVersionSpecificIndexInstances
- EmptyInstances
- ScalaVersionSpecificEmptyInstances
- EachInstances
- ScalaVersionSpecificEachInstances
- ConsInstances
- ScalaVersionSpecificConsInstances
- AllStdOptics
- UnitOptics
- TuplesOptics
- ALensTupleOptics
- LensTupleOptics
- StringOptics
- ProductOptics
- OptionOptics
- ListOptics
- FunctionOptics
- EitherOptics
- CoproductOptics
- AtInstances
- PartsOf
- CorepresentableInstances
- SellableInstances
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Value Members
- final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ##: Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def _1[A, B](implicit ev: Field1[(A, B), A]): Lens[(A, B), A]
extract the first element of a tuple using monomorphic Lens
extract the first element of a tuple using monomorphic Lens
- Definition Classes
- LensTupleOptics
- final def _1A[A, B](implicit ev: Field1[(A, B), A]): ALens[(A, B), A]
extract the first element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
extract the first element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
- Definition Classes
- ALensTupleOptics
- final def _1P[A, B, C]: Lens_[(A, C), (B, C), A, B]
extract the first element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
extract the first element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
- Definition Classes
- LensTupleOptics
- final def _1PA[A, B, C]: ALens_[(A, C), (B, C), A, B]
extract the first element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
extract the first element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
- Definition Classes
- ALensTupleOptics
- final def _1T2K[F[_], G[_], H[_], A]: Lens_[Tuple2K[F, G, A], Tuple2K[H, G, A], F[A], H[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ProductOptics
- final def _2[A, B](implicit ev: Field2[(A, B), B]): Lens[(A, B), B]
extract the second element of a tuple using monomorphic Lens_
extract the second element of a tuple using monomorphic Lens_
- Definition Classes
- LensTupleOptics
- final def _2A[A, B](implicit ev: Field2[(A, B), B]): ALens[(A, B), B]
extract the second element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
extract the second element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
- Definition Classes
- ALensTupleOptics
- final def _2P[A, B, C]: Lens_[(C, A), (C, B), A, B]
extract the second element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
extract the second element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
- Definition Classes
- LensTupleOptics
- final def _2PA[A, B, C]: ALens_[(C, A), (C, B), A, B]
extract the second element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
extract the second element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
- Definition Classes
- ALensTupleOptics
- final def _2T2K[F[_], G[_], H[_], A]: Lens_[Tuple2K[F, G, A], Tuple2K[F, H, A], G[A], H[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ProductOptics
- final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- final def at[S, I, A](i: I)(implicit ev: At[S, I, A]): Lens[S, Option[A]]
- Definition Classes
- AtInstances
- implicit final def atListMap[K, V]: At[ListMap[K, V], K, V]
- Definition Classes
- AtInstances
- implicit final def atMap[K, V]: At[Map[K, V], K, V]
- Definition Classes
- AtInstances
- implicit final def atOption[A]: At[Option[A], Unit, A]
- Definition Classes
- AtInstances
- implicit final def atSet[A]: At[Set[A], A, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- AtInstances
- implicit final def atSortedMap[K, V]: At[SortedMap[K, V], K, V]
- Definition Classes
- AtInstances
- final val charsToString: Iso[List[Char], String]
a monomorphic Iso from a List[char] to a String
a monomorphic Iso from a List[char] to a String
- Definition Classes
- ListOptics
- def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
- final def cons[S, A](implicit ev: Cons[S, A]): Prism[S, (A, S)]
- Definition Classes
- ConsInstances
- implicit final def consArray[A](implicit arg0: ClassTag[A]): Cons[Array[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- ConsInstances
- implicit final def consArraySeq[A]: Cons[ArraySeq[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificConsInstances
- implicit final def consChain[A]: Cons[Chain[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- ConsInstances
- implicit final def consLazyList[A]: Cons[LazyList[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificConsInstances
- implicit final def consList[A]: Cons[List[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- ConsInstances
- implicit final def consString: Cons[String, Char]
- Definition Classes
- ConsInstances
- implicit final def consVector[A]: Cons[Vector[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- ConsInstances
- implicit def corepresentableBazaar[C, D]: Aux[[α$2$, β$3$](α$2$) => β$3$, [ε$4$]Bazaar[[α$0$, β$1$](α$0$) => β$1$, List[C], List[D], Unit, ε$4$]]
- Definition Classes
- CorepresentableInstances
- implicit def corepresentableState[C]: Aux[[α$20$, β$21$](α$20$) => β$21$, [β$22$]IndexedStateT[Eval, List[C], List[C], β$22$]]
- Definition Classes
- CorepresentableInstances
- final def curried[A, B, C]: Iso[(A, B) => C, (A) => (B) => C]
a monomorphic Iso for currying and uncurrying a function
a monomorphic Iso for currying and uncurrying a function
- Definition Classes
- FunctionOptics
- final def curriedP[A, B, C, D, E, F]: Iso_[(A, B) => C, (D, E) => F, (A) => (B) => C, (D) => (E) => F]
a polymorphic Iso_ for currying and uncurrying a function
a polymorphic Iso_ for currying and uncurrying a function
- Definition Classes
- FunctionOptics
- def each[S, A](implicit ev: Each[S, A]): Traversal[S, A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit final def eachArraySeq[A]: Each[ArraySeq[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificEachInstances
- implicit def eachChain[A]: Each[Chain[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit final def eachLazyList[A]: Each[LazyList[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificEachInstances
- implicit final def eachList[A]: Each[List[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit final def eachListMap[K, V]: Each[ListMap[K, V], V]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit def eachNonEmptyChain[A]: Each[NonEmptyChain[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit def eachNonEmptyList[A]: Each[NonEmptyList[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit def eachNonEmptyVector[A]: Each[NonEmptyVector[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit def eachOneAnd[G[_], A](implicit ev0: Each[G[A], A]): Each[OneAnd[G, A], A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit def eachSortedMap[K, V](implicit arg0: Order[K]): Each[SortedMap[K, V], V]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit final def eachString: Each[String, Char]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit def eachTuple2[A]: Each[(A, A), A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit def eachTuple3[A]: Each[(A, A, A), A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit def eachTuple4[A]: Each[(A, A, A, A), A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit def eachTuple5[A]: Each[(A, A, A, A, A), A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- implicit final def eachVector[A]: Each[Vector[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- EachInstances
- def empty[S](implicit ev: Empty[S]): Prism[S, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- EmptyInstances
- implicit final def emptyArray[A](implicit arg0: ClassTag[A]): Empty[Array[A]]
- Definition Classes
- EmptyInstances
- implicit final def emptyArraySeq[A](implicit arg0: ClassTag[A]): Empty[ArraySeq[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificEmptyInstances
- implicit final def emptyChain[A]: Empty[Chain[A]]
- Definition Classes
- EmptyInstances
- implicit final def emptyLazyList[A]: Empty[LazyList[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificEmptyInstances
- implicit final def emptyList[A]: Empty[List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- EmptyInstances
- implicit final def emptyListMap[K, V]: Empty[ListMap[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- EmptyInstances
- implicit final def emptyMap[K, V]: Empty[Map[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- EmptyInstances
- implicit final def emptySet[A]: Empty[Set[A]]
- Definition Classes
- EmptyInstances
- implicit final def emptySortedMap[K, V](implicit ev: Order[K]): Empty[SortedMap[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- EmptyInstances
- implicit final val emptyString: Empty[String]
- Definition Classes
- EmptyInstances
- implicit final def emptyVector[A]: Empty[Vector[A]]
- Definition Classes
- EmptyInstances
- final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- implicit final def field1Tuple2[A, B]: Field1[(A, B), A]
- Definition Classes
- Field1Instances
- implicit final def field1Tuple3[A, B, C]: Field1[(A, B, C), A]
- Definition Classes
- Field1Instances
- implicit final def field1Tuple4[A, B, C, D]: Field1[(A, B, C, D), A]
- Definition Classes
- Field1Instances
- implicit final def field1Tuple5[A, B, C, D, E]: Field1[(A, B, C, D, E), A]
- Definition Classes
- Field1Instances
- implicit final def field2Tuple2[A, B]: Field2[(A, B), B]
- Definition Classes
- Field2Instances
- implicit final def field2Tuple3[A, B, C]: Field2[(A, B, C), B]
- Definition Classes
- Field2Instances
- implicit final def field2Tuple4[A, B, C, D]: Field2[(A, B, C, D), B]
- Definition Classes
- Field2Instances
- implicit final def field2Tuple5[A, B, C, D, E]: Field2[(A, B, C, D, E), B]
- Definition Classes
- Field2Instances
- implicit final def field3Tuple3[A, B, C]: Field3[(A, B, C), C]
- Definition Classes
- Field3Instances
- implicit final def field3Tuple4[A, B, C, D]: Field3[(A, B, C, D), C]
- Definition Classes
- Field3Instances
- implicit final def field3Tuple5[A, B, C, D, E]: Field3[(A, B, C, D, E), C]
- Definition Classes
- Field3Instances
- implicit final def field4Tuple4[A, B, C, D]: Field4[(A, B, C, D), D]
- Definition Classes
- Field4Instances
- implicit final def field4Tuple5[A, B, C, D, E]: Field4[(A, B, C, D, E), D]
- Definition Classes
- Field4Instances
- implicit final def field5Tuple5[A, B, C, D, E]: Field5[(A, B, C, D, E), E]
- Definition Classes
- Field5Instances
- final def fifth[A, B, C, D, E](implicit ev: Field5[(A, B, C, D, E), E]): Lens[(A, B, C, D, E), E]
- Definition Classes
- Field5Instances
- def finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable])
- final def first[A, B](implicit ev: Field1[(A, B), A]): Lens[(A, B), A]
- Definition Classes
- Field1Instances
- final def firstP[A, B, C]: Lens_[(A, C), (B, C), A, B]
synonym for _1P
synonym for _1P
- Definition Classes
- LensTupleOptics
- final def flip[A, B, C]: Iso[(A) => (B) => C, (B) => (A) => C]
a monomorphic Iso for flipping a function
a monomorphic Iso for flipping a function
- Definition Classes
- FunctionOptics
- final def flipP[A, B, C, D, E, F]: Iso_[(A) => (B) => C, (D) => (E) => F, (B) => (A) => C, (E) => (D) => F]
a polymorphic Iso_ for flipping a function
a polymorphic Iso_ for flipping a function
- Definition Classes
- FunctionOptics
- implicit final val foldableWithIndexArraySeq: FoldableWithIndex[ArraySeq, Int]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificFoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val foldableWithIndexChain: FoldableWithIndex[Chain, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val foldableWithIndexLazyList: FoldableWithIndex[LazyList, Int]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificFoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val foldableWithIndexList: FoldableWithIndex[List, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def foldableWithIndexListMap[K]: FoldableWithIndex[[β$0$]ListMap[K, β$0$], K]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def foldableWithIndexMap[K]: FoldableWithIndex[[β$2$]Map[K, β$2$], K]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val foldableWithIndexNonEmptyChain: FoldableWithIndex[NonEmptyChain, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val foldableWithIndexNonEmptyList: FoldableWithIndex[NonEmptyList, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def foldableWithIndexNonEmptyMap[K]: FoldableWithIndex[[β$6$][K, β$6$], K]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val foldableWithIndexNonEmptyVector: FoldableWithIndex[NonEmptyVector, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def foldableWithIndexOneAnd[F[_]](implicit arg0: Foldable[F]): FoldableWithIndex[[β$4$]OneAnd[F, β$4$], Int]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val foldableWithIndexOption: FoldableWithIndex[Option, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val foldableWithIndexVector: FoldableWithIndex[Vector, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FoldableWithIndexInstances
- final def fourth[A, B, C, D](implicit ev: Field4[(A, B, C, D), D]): Lens[(A, B, C, D), D]
- Definition Classes
- Field4Instances
- final def fromAt[S, I, A](implicit ev: At[S, I, A]): Index[S, I, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- final def fst2K[F[_], G[_], H[_], A]: Lens_[Tuple2K[F, G, A], Tuple2K[H, G, A], F[A], H[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ProductOptics
- final def fstPA[A, B, C]: ALens_[(A, C), (B, C), A, B]
extract the first element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
extract the first element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
- Definition Classes
- ALensTupleOptics
- implicit final val functorWithIndexArraySeq: FunctorWithIndex[ArraySeq, Int]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificFunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val functorWithIndexChain: FunctorWithIndex[Chain, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val functorWithIndexLazyList: FunctorWithIndex[LazyList, Int]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificFunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val functorWithIndexList: FunctorWithIndex[List, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def functorWithIndexListMap[K]: FunctorWithIndex[[β$0$]ListMap[K, β$0$], K]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def functorWithIndexMap[K]: FunctorWithIndex[[β$2$]Map[K, β$2$], K]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val functorWithIndexNonEmptyChain: FunctorWithIndex[NonEmptyChain, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val functorWithIndexNonEmptyList: FunctorWithIndex[NonEmptyList, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def functorWithIndexNonEmptyMap[K](implicit arg0: Order[K]): FunctorWithIndex[[β$7$][K, β$7$], K]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val functorWithIndexNonEmptyVector: FunctorWithIndex[NonEmptyVector, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def functorWithIndexOneAnd[F[_]](implicit arg0: Traverse[F]): FunctorWithIndex[[β$4$]OneAnd[F, β$4$], Int]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val functorWithIndexOption: FunctorWithIndex[Option, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val functorWithIndexVector: FunctorWithIndex[Vector, Int]
- Definition Classes
- FunctorWithIndexInstances
- final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
- final def head[S, H, T](implicit ev: NonEmptyCons[S, H, T]): Lens[S, H]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- final def headOption[S, A](implicit ev: Cons[S, A]): AffineTraversal[S, A]
- Definition Classes
- ConsInstances
- final def index[S, I, A](i: I)(implicit ev: Index[S, I, A]): AffineTraversal[S, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexArray[A](implicit arg0: ClassTag[A]): Index[Array[A], Int, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexArraySeq[A]: Index[ArraySeq[A], Int, A]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificIndexInstances
- implicit final def indexArrow[I, A](implicit arg0: Eq[I]): Index[(I) => A, I, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexChain[A]: Index[Chain[A], Int, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexLazyList[A]: Index[LazyList[A], Int, A]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificIndexInstances
- implicit final def indexList[A]: Index[List[A], Int, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexListMap[K, V]: Index[ListMap[K, V], K, V]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexMap[K, V]: Index[Map[K, V], K, V]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexNonEmptyChain[A]: Index[NonEmptyChain[A], Int, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexNonEmptyList[A]: Index[NonEmptyList[A], Int, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexNonEmptyMap[K, V]: Index[NonEmptyMap[K, V], K, V]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexNonEmptySet[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Index[NonEmptySet[A], A, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexNonEmptyVector[A]: Index[NonEmptyVector[A], Int, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexOption[A]: Index[Option[A], Unit, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexSet[A]: Index[Set[A], A, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexSortedMap[K, V]: Index[SortedMap[K, V], K, V]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- implicit final def indexVector[A]: Index[Vector[A], Int, A]
- Definition Classes
- IndexInstances
- final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- final def left[A, B]: Prism[Either[A, B], A]
extract the left element of an either using monomorphic Prism
extract the left element of an either using monomorphic Prism
- Definition Classes
- EitherOptics
- final def leftK[F[_], G[_], H[_], A]: Prism_[EitherK[F, G, A], EitherK[H, G, A], F[A], H[A]]
- Definition Classes
- CoproductOptics
- final def leftP[A, B, C]: Prism_[Either[A, C], Either[B, C], A, B]
extract the left element of an either using polymorphic Prism_
extract the left element of an either using polymorphic Prism_
- Definition Classes
- EitherOptics
- final def listToArray[A](implicit arg0: ClassTag[A]): Iso[List[A], Array[A]]
a monomorphic Iso from a list to an Array
a monomorphic Iso from a list to an Array
- Definition Classes
- ListOptics
- final def listToNonEmptyList[A]: Prism[List[A], NonEmptyList[A]]
a monomorphic Prism from a List to a NonEmptyList
a monomorphic Prism from a List to a NonEmptyList
- Definition Classes
- ListOptics
- final def listToVector[A]: Iso[List[A], Vector[A]]
a monomorphic Iso from a List to a Vector
a monomorphic Iso from a List to a Vector
- Definition Classes
- ListOptics
- def mkString(sep: String): Iso_[String, String, String, List[String]]
shows all elements of a collection in a string using a separator string
shows all elements of a collection in a string using a separator string
- Definition Classes
- StringOptics
- final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- final def nonEmptyCons[S, H, T](implicit ev: NonEmptyCons[S, H, T]): Iso[S, (H, T)]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- implicit final def nonEmptyConsNonEmptyChain[A]: NonEmptyCons[NonEmptyChain[A], A, Chain[A]]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- implicit final def nonEmptyConsNonEmptyVector[A]: NonEmptyCons[NonEmptyVector[A], A, Vector[A]]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- implicit final def nonEmptyConsNoneEmptyList[A]: NonEmptyCons[NonEmptyList[A], A, List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- implicit final def nonEmptyConsOneAnd[F[_], A]: NonEmptyCons[OneAnd[F, A], A, F[A]]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- implicit def nonEmptyConsTuple2[A, B]: NonEmptyCons[(A, B), A, B]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- implicit final def nonEmptyConsTuple3[A, B, C]: NonEmptyCons[(A, B, C), A, (B, C)]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- implicit final def nonEmptyConsTuple4[A, B, C, D]: NonEmptyCons[(A, B, C, D), A, (B, C, D)]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- implicit final def nonEmptyConsTuple5[A, B, C, D, E]: NonEmptyCons[(A, B, C, D, E), A, (B, C, D, E)]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- final def none[A]: Prism[Option[A], Unit]
- Definition Classes
- OptionOptics
- final def noneP[A, B]: Prism_[Option[A], Option[B], Unit, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- OptionOptics
- final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
- final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
- implicit def partsOfSellable[A](implicit ev: Aux[[α$2$, β$3$](α$2$) => β$3$, [ε$4$]Bazaar[[α$0$, β$1$](α$0$) => β$1$, List[A], List[A], Unit, ε$4$]]): Sellable[[α$7$, β$8$](α$7$) => β$8$, [β$9$, γ$10$, ε$11$]Bazaar[[α$5$, β$6$](α$5$) => β$6$, β$9$, γ$10$, Unit, ε$11$]]
- Definition Classes
- PartsOf
- final def prefixed[S, T](s: S)(implicit ev: Prefixed[S, T]): Prism[S, T]
- Definition Classes
- PrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedArray[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A], arg1: ClassTag[A]): Prefixed[Array[A], Array[A]]
- Definition Classes
- PrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedArraySeq[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Prefixed[ArraySeq[A], ArraySeq[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificPrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedChain[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Prefixed[Chain[A], Chain[A]]
- Definition Classes
- PrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedLazyList[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Prefixed[LazyList[A], LazyList[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificPrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedList[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Prefixed[List[A], List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- PrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedNonEmptyChain[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Prefixed[NonEmptyChain[A], Chain[A]]
- Definition Classes
- PrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedNonEmptyList[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Prefixed[NonEmptyList[A], List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- PrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedNonEmptyVector[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Prefixed[NonEmptyVector[A], Vector[A]]
- Definition Classes
- PrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedOneAnd[F[_], A](implicit arg0: Alternative[F], arg1: Eq[A], ev: Prefixed[F[A], F[A]]): Prefixed[OneAnd[F, A], F[A]]
- Definition Classes
- PrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedString: Prefixed[String, String]
- Definition Classes
- PrefixedInstances
- implicit final def prefixedVector[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Prefixed[Vector[A], Vector[A]]
- Definition Classes
- PrefixedInstances
- final def remove[S, I, A](i: I)(s: S)(implicit ev: At[S, I, A]): S
remove a value associated with a key in a Map-like container
remove a value associated with a key in a Map-like container
- Definition Classes
- AtInstances
- final def reverse[S, T](implicit ev: Reverse[S, T]): Iso[S, T]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit final def reverseArray[A](implicit arg0: ClassTag[A]): Reverse[Array[A], Array[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit final def reverseArraySeq[A](implicit arg0: ClassTag[A]): Reverse[ArraySeq[A], ArraySeq[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificReverseInstances
- implicit final def reverseChain[A]: Reverse[Chain[A], Chain[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit final def reverseLazyList[A]: Reverse[LazyList[A], LazyList[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificReverseInstances
- implicit final def reverseList[A]: Reverse[List[A], List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit final def reverseNonEmptyChain[A]: Reverse[NonEmptyChain[A], NonEmptyChain[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit final def reverseNonEmptyList[A]: Reverse[NonEmptyList[A], NonEmptyList[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit final def reverseNonEmptyVector[A]: Reverse[NonEmptyVector[A], NonEmptyVector[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit final val reverseString: Reverse[String, String]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit def reverseTuple2[A, B]: Reverse[(A, B), (B, A)]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit def reverseTuple3[A, B, C]: Reverse[(A, B, C), (C, B, A)]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit def reverseTuple4[A, B, C, D]: Reverse[(A, B, C, D), (D, C, B, A)]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit def reverseTuple5[A, B, C, D, E]: Reverse[(A, B, C, D, E), (E, D, C, B, A)]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- implicit final def reverseVector[A]: Reverse[Vector[A], Vector[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ReverseInstances
- final def right[A, B]: Prism[Either[A, B], B]
extract the right element of an either using monomorphic Prism
extract the right element of an either using monomorphic Prism
- Definition Classes
- EitherOptics
- final def rightK[F[_], G[_], H[_], A]: Prism_[EitherK[F, G, A], EitherK[F, H, A], G[A], H[A]]
- Definition Classes
- CoproductOptics
- final def rightP[A, B, C]: Prism_[Either[C, A], Either[C, B], A, B]
extract the right element of an either using polymorphic Prism_
extract the right element of an either using polymorphic Prism_
- Definition Classes
- EitherOptics
- final def second[A, B](implicit ev: Field2[(A, B), B]): Lens[(A, B), B]
- Definition Classes
- Field2Instances
- final def secondA[A, B](implicit ev: Field2[(A, B), B]): ALens[(A, B), B]
extract the first element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
extract the first element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
- Definition Classes
- ALensTupleOptics
- final def secondP[A, B, C]: Lens_[(C, A), (C, B), A, B]
synonym for _2P
synonym for _2P
- Definition Classes
- LensTupleOptics
- final def secondPA[A, B, C]: ALens_[(C, A), (C, B), A, B]
extract the second element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
extract the second element of a tuple using polymorphic Lens_
- Definition Classes
- ALensTupleOptics
- implicit final def sellableBazaar[P[_, _], G[_]](implicit arg0: Profunctor[P], ev1: Aux[P, G]): Sellable[P, [β$0$, γ$1$, ε$2$]Bazaar[P, β$0$, γ$1$, Unit, ε$2$]]
- Definition Classes
- SellableInstances
- final def snd2K[F[_], G[_], H[_], A]: Lens_[Tuple2K[F, G, A], Tuple2K[F, H, A], G[A], H[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ProductOptics
- final def some[A]: Prism[Option[A], A]
- Definition Classes
- OptionOptics
- final def someP[A, B]: Prism_[Option[A], Option[B], A, B]
- Definition Classes
- OptionOptics
- def split(regex: String): Traversal_[String, List[String], String, String]
splits this string around matches of the given regex
splits this string around matches of the given regex
- Definition Classes
- StringOptics
- final val stringToChars: Iso[String, List[Char]]
a monomorphic Iso from a string to a list of chars
a monomorphic Iso from a string to a list of chars
- Definition Classes
- StringOptics
- final def suffixed[S, T](s: S)(implicit ev: Suffixed[S, T]): Prism[S, T]
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedArray[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A], arg1: ClassTag[A]): Suffixed[Array[A], Array[A]]
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedArraySeq[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A], arg1: ClassTag[A]): Suffixed[ArraySeq[A], ArraySeq[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificSuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedChain[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Suffixed[Chain[A], Chain[A]]
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedLazyList[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Suffixed[LazyList[A], LazyList[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificSuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedList[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Suffixed[List[A], List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedNonEmptyChain[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Suffixed[NonEmptyChain[A], Chain[A]]
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedNonEmptyList[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Suffixed[NonEmptyList[A], List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedNonEmptyVector[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Suffixed[NonEmptyVector[A], Vector[A]]
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedOneAnd[F[_], A](implicit arg0: Alternative[F], arg1: Foldable[F], arg2: Eq[A], ev: Suffixed[F[A], F[A]]): Suffixed[OneAnd[F, A], F[A]]
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedString: Suffixed[String, String]
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- implicit final def suffixedVector[A](implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Suffixed[Vector[A], Vector[A]]
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- final def swapEither[A, B]: Iso[Either[A, B], Either[B, A]]
swap the elements of an Either
swap the elements of an Either
- Definition Classes
- EitherOptics
- final def swapTuple[A, B]: Iso[(A, B), (B, A)]
swap the elements of a Tuple
swap the elements of a Tuple
- Definition Classes
- LensTupleOptics
- final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- final def tail[S, H, T](implicit ev: NonEmptyCons[S, H, T]): Lens[S, T]
- Definition Classes
- NonEmptyConsInstances
- final def tailOption[S, A](implicit ev: Cons[S, A]): AffineTraversal[S, S]
- Definition Classes
- ConsInstances
- def takeWords(i: Int): Traversal[String, String]
select the first n words of a string
select the first n words of a string
- Definition Classes
- StringOptics
- final def third[A, B, C](implicit ev: Field3[(A, B, C), C]): Lens[(A, B, C), C]
- Definition Classes
- Field3Instances
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- implicit final val traverseWithIndexArraySeq: TraverseWithIndex[ArraySeq, Int]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificTraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val traverseWithIndexChain: TraverseWithIndex[Chain, Int]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val traverseWithIndexLazyList: TraverseWithIndex[LazyList, Int]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaVersionSpecificTraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val traverseWithIndexList: TraverseWithIndex[List, Int]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def traverseWithIndexListMap[K]: TraverseWithIndex[[β$0$]ListMap[K, β$0$], K]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def traverseWithIndexMap[K]: TraverseWithIndex[[β$2$]Map[K, β$2$], K]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit final def traverseWithIndexNonEmptyChain: TraverseWithIndex[NonEmptyChain, Int]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val traverseWithIndexNonEmptyList: TraverseWithIndex[NonEmptyList, Int]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit def traverseWithIndexNonEmptyMap[K](implicit arg0: Order[K]): TraverseWithIndex[[β$6$][K, β$6$], K]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val traverseWithIndexNonEmptyVector: TraverseWithIndex[NonEmptyVector, Int]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit def traverseWithIndexOneAnd[F[_]](implicit arg0: Traverse[F]): TraverseWithIndex[[β$4$]OneAnd[F, β$4$], Int]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val traverseWithIndexOption: TraverseWithIndex[Option, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- implicit final val traverseWithIndexVector: TraverseWithIndex[Vector, Int]
- Definition Classes
- TraverseWithIndexInstances
- final def uncurried[A, B, C]: Iso[(A) => (B) => C, (A, B) => C]
a monomorphic Iso for uncurrying and currying a function
a monomorphic Iso for uncurrying and currying a function
- Definition Classes
- FunctionOptics
- final def uncurriedP[A, B, C, D, E, F]: Iso_[(A) => (B) => C, (D) => (E) => F, (A, B) => C, (D, E) => F]
a polymorphic Iso_ for uncurrying and currying a function
a polymorphic Iso_ for uncurrying and currying a function
- Definition Classes
- FunctionOptics
- final def unit[A]: Lens[A, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- UnitOptics
- def vectorStripSuffix[A](qs: Vector[A])(xs0: Vector[A])(implicit arg0: Eq[A]): Option[Vector[A]]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- SuffixedInstances
- final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
- val words: Traversal[String, String]
fold over the individual words of a String
fold over the individual words of a String
- Definition Classes
- StringOptics